The Joets Website
Our website could include websites which are outside the and domain. The links to these websites are only published to be at your service. This does not mean that Joets supports or maintains these links and its contents. Joets is not responsible for websites concerned.
Privacy statement
Joets keeps only personal information in her data base which is voluntarily issued via the Joets website or via email (this concerns the name of your company, profession, address, telephone number and email address).
Information use
Personal information which is issued to Joets, is only used by Joets to answer or follow-up questions, to email or send required information, or to provide services. Joets could turn to third parties, to collect, for follow-up or to administer personal information, in order to be able to carry out your request. If you would like your personal information, which was issued to Joets, to be removed, we would like to ask you to contact We will do our utmost to follow-up and carry out your request.
Joets does not want to receive any confidential information or business related information via her website. All information received via the Joets website will be considered as non confidential, with the exception of your personal information. When sending information to the Joets website or via any other electro-technical means, you have automatically given us irrevocable license to use this information, to reproduce, show, change or to distribute the information. Joets is entitled to use this information, which includes all the ideas, knowledge and techniques for any purpose free of charge.
No rights can be derived from the Joets site. Joets is not responsible for any incorrect and/or incomplete information.