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The Joets working methods

High efficiency demands are required from a company. That is why it is important that the processes of a company matches with your company objectives, that these are realized in an effective way, and that as a result, your company will expand. Reduce costs with intelligence!

  • Our services are offered in a SMART package; the Joets advise is: smart
  • The problem is defined by curiosity and approached with an open mind. The only bad question is the question which has not been asked.
  • Alternative solutions are measured by urgency and efficiency, and necessity is put before possibility.
  • Decision making is based on facts, in combination with soft and hard evidence.
  • Financial effects of the chosen solution is calculated.
  • The results for the rest of the organizations are scrutinized as well.
  • Resistance from within the organization will be investigated and will be part of the decision making.
  • Causal connection, this means: focussed on the solution of the cause instead of combating the results, is the cornerstone of each Joets-advise.

The Joets based solutions guarantee that your supporting business process appears to its full advantage and offers optimum support for your primary business processes. You can turn to Joets to explore and for advises on strategic/tactical level. But Joets is also a professional in participating on the working floor to achieve operational results. If required, Joets offers you a solution by managing project management, or by interim-management and finally delegate the responsibilities to the management of the organization.

The people

The Joets Consultancy and Management consultants and project managers remain level-headed and guarantee solid work on a reliable bases. They listen to your vision, suggestions and your marginal notes. The associate with your employees in open communication in a pleasant way throughout the organization. They are a fully-fledged interlocutor for you and your colleague, which is based on their know how and years of experience. They will contribute with empathy while developing your organization.

The tools

Good tools are the key to success to get the job done. In order to do a good job of work, the employers of Joets Consultancy and Management use such systems and methods to reorganize your organizations or to manage the processes. This can be done on ICT-level as well. From six categories Joets investigates on what base the ICT- management is to be organized more efficiently. This theoretical tool is used in practice.

Our employers are experienced in using work-flow software. A good example is how to use a Template based on .NET working process software.

Efficiency in ICT management

Entrepreneurs behind Joets

Peter van Weert

P.C. van Weert

Phone: 073-6569300

E-mail: peter.vanweert@joets.nl

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Peter van Weert

P.M. van Weert - Landwehr

Phone: 073-6569300

E-mail: patricia.vanweert@joets.nl

View my CV »

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